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Kadajari sampath Kumar

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About me

Ethical hacker and penetration tester

I'm sampath kumar kadajari, I'm a electronics and communication student, but having more intrest in penetration testing and ethical hacking. I have gone through some full time ethical hacking and penetration testing courses, I am a bug hunter. And security researcher. Actively looking for internship opportunities for the roles of security analyst, pentester, vapt, related roles.

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Educational Background

What I’ve Learned

For me, academic institutions are where we gain the tools to build successful experiences, careers, and futures. Take a look below to learn more about my educational path and achievements along the way.

August 2019 -  May 2023


currently pursing my btech degree in electronics and communication

June 2020 -  August 2020

Ethical hacking and peneration testing

Had gone through some full time ethical hacking penetration testing courses

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Web Pentesting

Burpsuite PRO

Hands on experience with OWASP top 10

Working with Automated and manual tools

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"If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done"

Thomas Jefferson

Two Pens on Notebook
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My achivements and acknowledgements

An appreciation from NCIIPC.

Acknowledgments from NCIIPC for securing indian government websites.

cloudSEK XVIGIL professional

Sucessfully completed the tasks given to the role cybersecurity analyst

CTF challange from cloudSEK

Sucessfully completed CTF (catch the flag) challange  for the role security analyst from clodSEK

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